Friendly Power – Referral Marketing

ladydentist2Referral marketing has been and always will be the most powerful form of advertising for the dental and financial management industries.
Did you know that over 80% of all new patients or financial management clients stem from referrals? Over 80%!

With this in mind, the right system for referral marketing could potentially make the difference between 5 new patients (or clients) or 20 per week on a regular       basis.

When someone is on the lookout for a professional in these fields, they normally will consult friends or family – wouldn’t it be beneficial for your practice or office if these people were mentioning your name or handing out cards for you? Even better would be to have a “machine” set up as part of your business or practice that would constantly work to bring new people in while also rewarding patients and staff.

There are a couple of key elements in making this happen. One is having the right referral cardsthat are working a sort of “magic” for you and the other is establishing the “machine”. Here is a helpful article on this subject:

Referral Marketing for Dental Practices:  How to Market Effectively

Jeff Simms