Don’t just run your mouth – not without a destination

One would think that “word of mouth” is pretty self explanatory.   WORD out OF the MOUTH.  One would also think that it would be easy to do.  Just open up your mouth and speak right?

It could be that simple, sure.  As long as what comes out of your mouth is directed to accomplish the correct purpose.  huh?  Let me explain.

Every word that comes out of our mouths every day of every year is released into the air with a purpose.  Think about it.

Every time you uttered a word there was a reason behind it from asking for your mommy when you were a child to asking for honey mustard in the drive-through.

Whenever you tell your friend how your day was or when you tell the air just how much it hurt when you stubbed your toe, there is a purpose or a reason you said it.

That goes also for when you talk to your patients.  As they leave what do you say?  Do you just exchange pleasantries, setup their next appointment, and thank them for coming?  Don’t get me wrong, you should.  It re-enforces the positive experience and places a future commitment in their minds.  Very logical purpose.   However, it doesn’t really do anything for your practice growth.

Absolutely, a patient that has a positive dental experience will refer you if they are asked.  As a matter of fact, 80% of a doctors active patient base on average would refer their doctor if asked.  Read my lips.  If Asked.  Every doctor has at least a handful of patients coming in a month from patient referrals.  That is as natural as breathing.

But, To get MORE referrals from you patients, they need to be initiating communication about you or having productive and not just positive conversations about your practice.

So add asking for referrals to your purpose of communication.  Make it part of the destination of your words – the seed of referral planted in their minds.