What’s the worst that could happen?

I spoke to an office manager today who’s doctor had to re-wire his brain after a car accident and learn how to do do everything over again- not just dentistry- everything. 

That is perseverance!  That is survival.

She tells me this as she tells me the practice is failing.  She told me that the Dr. gets tired and has to quit around 3:00 everyday.  He sometimes gets frustrated with procedures and will throw instruments.  He remains cranky most of the time etc, etc, etc. 

He does incredible work.  But the practice is failing.

And she tells me the reason he is that way is because of his debilitating condition.  That it is his body that is behind all of it.  At least that’s what he tells HER.  So that is what she believed just like HE belives it. 

The only reason that doctor is tired and grumpy and frustrated is because of his failing practice.  Not the other way around. 

You get that?

His practice isn’t failing because of the way he is.  He is the way he is because of his failing practice.

Think about it.  This man came back from a MAJOR car accident and brain surgery with the loss of his motor functions.  He then proceeded to battle his way through himself to gain his ability to move properly and THEN move properly enough to practice excellent dentistry again.


If his body could have stopped him, it would have done so long ago.

It is the pressure of the failing practice and his sense of responsibility to himself, his family, his staff, and the family of the staff that is causing him grief. 

But even after being shown the facts, the doctor isn’t going to do any external marketing OR internal marketing. 

He thinks that things will be get better by themselves and “What’s the worst that could happen?”

I think we all know the answer to that.  If he applied that same attitude when he had the accident, he would be dead today.  He would have given up on himself long ago.

But now it’s the life of his practice on the line.

Don’t worry.  The office manager (and the rest of the staff) are working on him.  Hopefully he will come around.

One of my favorite quotes is by Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption.

“Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.”

